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יצירת סיפור אישי מחלקי פאזל

איעתימאד  עתאמנה ואיה עתאמנה

To Create a Personal Story from Puzzle Pieces

Eatimad Atamny and Aya Atamny

We wish to propose an artistic therapeutic tool designed to assist PTSD victims by preparing a personal story puzzle in which the patient can create continuous works that will receive different meanings and enable the construction of a personal narrative. Puzzle pieces create a story that is a "container" for the project work of art. The tool encourages internal dialogue while documenting the trauma and allowing the patient to connect to introverted and repressed memories.

Link to Presentation


catrc final 4

pracdemia final 4

lab final 4

ajcat final 4




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״הגוף מספר״ תנועה וטראומה - ד"ר גלית זנה

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