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מבניה לפירוק ולבריאה מחדש

כרמית ערב

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 ההתערבות נוצרה לקראת חנוכה כווריאציה לטפטופי הנרות המוכרים ואינטגרציה בין נרות החנוכה המסורתיים ובין הכנים (המכלים הקטנים בהם הם מתעגנים לקראת הדלקתם).

From Construction to Deconstruction and Recreation -  Carmit Erev

The intervention was created prior to Hanukkah as a variation of the familiar candle drips and integration between the traditional Hanukkah candles and the pedestals (the small containers in which they fry in preparation for their lighting).

Everything from nothing 

The principle of this art therapy approach is based on working with scrap and its assemblage in a therapeutic external space.

Art therapy leaves the sterile and discreet room and enters reality, to the limitless, wild, unpredictable, instinctive and creative nature. Creation in nature gives man a way to express himself and creates a strong and empowering connection between man and nature and between man and himself.

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catrc final 4

pracdemia final 4

lab final 4

ajcat final 4




חדש באתר

Parent-child relationship & Painting - Tami Gavron

הצטרפות לרשימת תפוצה