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SC-PPAT Drawings

Michal Bat Or

michal bat or

 SC-PPAT: Symbolic Content and Narrative Aspects in PPAT Drawings - Michal Bar Or

 The inter-relations between the drawn objects in the PPAT, may communicate implicit working models of self, others and the relationships between self and others.

The advantages of using SC-PPAT & NA-PPAT

  • enables comparing groups (clinical vs. normative, groups from different cultures, before and after treatment)
  • illuminates the subjective experience of individuals
  • The PPAT can serve as a unique portal into the meeting between attachment and exploration motivational systems.
  • Link to SC-PPAT Presentation

catrc final 4

pracdemia final 4

lab final 4

ajcat final 4




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מיפוי עצמי -פרופ׳ רחל לב-ויזל

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