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דקלה כורם - הערכה מוסיקלית

In my years of clinical experience as a music therapist, I have often used music to assess motor and cognitive functioning. Compared to other neuropsychological tests, an evaluation which involves playing musical instruments is unique in that it is independent of the subject’s verbal abilities. Thus, one may use musical assessment with people who have limited capacity in the prevailing language as well as with people who have difficulties with their mother tongue, or are simply reluctant to engage in verbal interactions. This musical assessment is an inexpensive way to assess a client's capabilities to talk about one hour in a non-threatening and enjoyable environment, without the client's need for any musical background. Video clips of this assessment will accompany the presentation.

catrc final 4

pracdemia final 4

lab final 4

ajcat final 4




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דימוי ממוקד גוף - אורית קלפיש

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