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Backyard Games - Anat Gesser-Edelsburg

From Backyard Games to Yael Learns to Take Care of her Body: Exploring Educational Theatre as a Strategy for Discussing Sexual Abuse.   Edutainment is a communication strategy to influence attitudes and behaviors change through the use of the media, by deliberately embed educational, health

and social contents into entertainment programs (such as theatre, films, television shows, computer games, comics and more). By using theatre as a tool of intervention, it is possible to increase knowledge, create or strengthen positive positions, and change the behavior of the target audience accordingly. Through use of drama and entertainment, topics can be raised in a way that is interesting rather than didactic. The audience that watches the drama lowers its defenses and enters a world of pleasure by variety of means. Then topics that are difficult to discuss or that are repressed, related to health and to risk prevention can be raised in the private, communal, and communal discourse. Prevention, consciousness-raising and expanding the conversation on sexuality and sexual abuse, are well-suited to edutainment strategies, especially because of the sensitivity and complexity of the subject

Two case studies, Backyard Games, about gang rape, based on an actual case in Kibbutz Shomrat, and Yael Learns to Take Care of Her Body, an educational play about child sexual abuse, designed for joint viewing by children aged 5-8 and their parents, shall be explored, through presenting theory, performance analysis and effects upon the target audiences. 

catrc final 4

pracdemia final 4

lab final 4

ajcat final 4




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תרפיה באמצעות כדורגל - זאב ניימן

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