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Dancing out of the Risk - Rainbow Tin Hung Ho

Dancing out of the risk: Supporting children at-risk with Creative Art. Children who have unlimited potential are our treasure and hope, and the future of the world. For many reasons, which may be physical (illness and disability), mental (psychological), familial, socio-economical, and environmental (natural disasters), children may not be fortunate enough to develop and grow in an optimal condition. 

Special attention and care are needed for such situation so as to help children at-risk to grow with or beyond their limits. While tangible resources such as medical and financial support can help, psychological support which can match with the developmental needs of the children and can even tap into the unpresented issues may help more, deeper, and in a longer term. Based on the more authentic and less cognitive nature in children, creative arts can offer special help which traditional approach may not be able to do. In this presentation, I would like to share my work with children at-risk which include children with special medical issues i.e. selective mutism and trichotillomania, adolescents who experienced sexual abuse and physical abuse, as well as children who had faced earthquake through using dance movement, rhythm, and art.

catrc final 4

pracdemia final 4

lab final 4

ajcat final 4




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