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List of Presentations in Conferences

Therapeutic Interventions and Assessment Tools for Children and Adolescents at-Risk International Study Group  

Mental Health, Children and Young People and Dance Movement Psychotherapy in the UK  

Training Therapists in the Treatment of CA

Helen Payne

Zohar Lavi-Sahar and Barbara Lang

Child Abuse and Neglect in Israel: Prevalence vs. Reporting, Disclosure and Attitudes

Setting up a Network of Treament  Centres for CSA Victims

Rachel Lev-Wiesel

Isabel Seri Levy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Basics and Neurological Applications: Childhood Trauma

Children Exposed to Violence and Abuse: Neurobiological  and Psychological Impact

Shai Efrati

Robert  Geffner

No School Left Behind:  School Climate and Violence Prevention Programs  in Israeli Schools

Child Abuse: A Common Childhood Disease

Ayelet Aviran

Uri Balla

Movement Assessment Manual for Trauma 

Survivors (MAMT)

Music Based Assessment of Individualized Cognitive and Motor Functioning

Dita Federman

Dikla Kerem

Two Imported Evidence-Based Interventions

for Early Childhood

SC-PPAT: Symbolic Content and Narrative Aspects in PPAT Drawings

Paula David

Michal Bat-Or

Medical Somatic Dissociation - Questionnaire

Assessment with the KMP for Children at Risk

Daphna-Tekoah S., Lev-Wiesel R., Mishael Parnas D., Israeli D. & Balla U.

Sabine C. Koch

Generative Writing

The Joint Painting Procedure: Discovering Implicit Aspects in Mother-Child Relationships in Middle Childhood

Adi Barak

Tami Gavron

Tools for Self-Intervention: Experiencing Music and the Trauma Releasing Exercises - TRE

Abuse Childhood Trauma through Narratives and Drawings: Art Group Therapy with Indian Adolescent-Survivors of Childhood Abuse 

Bussakorn Binson

Atreyee Bhattacharyya

Puppet Therapy in Trauma Situations

Psychodrama with at-Risk Youth

Daniela Hadasy

Hod Orkibi

Death Education e Bambini: L'Importanza di un percorso que valorizza la Consapevolezza della Spiritualita e della Morte

The Role of the Ministry of Education in Dealing with Sexual Abuse

Ines Testoni & Lucia Ronconi

Iris Manda Ben Yaakov 


 Dancing out of the Risk: Supporting Children at-Risk with Creative Arts

 Nesia Lang and Shoshi Ofir 

 Rainbow Tin Hung Ho 

Trauma Informed Care and Music Therapy for Children and Youth at Risk 

The Use of HBOT for Patients Suffering from Fibromyalgia due to Mental Stress as a Result of Child Abuse 

 Viggo Kruger

Yair Bechor  





catrc final 4

pracdemia final 4

lab final 4

ajcat final 4




חדש באתר

Music based-assessment - Dikla Kerem

הצטרפות לרשימת תפוצה