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Nesia & Shoshi

Medical clowning is known to be used as one of the supportive factors which affect children's experience in hospital. At The Tene Center for the treatment of the sexually abused, located at Poria hospital in northern Israel, we have incorporated medical clowns as part of our team throughout the hospital visit.
The clowns build a therapeutic alliance with the child and reframe the situation. As a result, the clowns change the experience for the children, their escorts and the staff.
The medical clowns have a unique role working in preparing the child for the examination and in easing tension allowing a thorough anogenital examination and allowing the staff members to concentrate in performing the medical procedure. 
In our presentation, you will understand the role of the medical clown in the interaction with the victims, their escorts and the staff. You will hear about our teamwork and learn about research and prevention projects we have conducted and watch a short film.

catrc final 4

pracdemia final 4

lab final 4

ajcat final 4




חדש באתר

Parent-child relationship & Painting - Tami Gavron

הצטרפות לרשימת תפוצה