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Michal Bat-Or

Dr. Michal Bat-Or, PhD, in is an art therapist in private practice, and a lecturer and researcher in the Graduate School of Creative Art Therapies in the University of Haifa, Israel. She holds a postgraduate Diploma in psychoanalytic psychotherapy from psychology department in University of Haifa. Michal has 18 years' experience in providing art therapy for individuals and groups, for children, adolescents and adults. She also worked with groups of bereaved parents, widows, and orphans. Her professional publications have inquired into art expression as communicating subjective experience, and contributing to mentalization, mental integration and trauma and loss working through. With colleagues she develop art therapy research tools, measuring PPAT’s visual narrative and content, rating system for the Bridge Drawing, and the client’s working alliance with the art medium in art therapy. With the collaboration of researchers from the University of Crete, studies about children’s PPAT as related to aggressiveness, resiliency, and temperament are in progress. She also explores into parental representations through a parent-child sculpting task.

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חדש באתר

Treatment centers for children & youth

הצטרפות לרשימת תפוצה