The goal of this project is to increase the level of collaboration between the knowledge created in the field and the knowledge gained in academia. Shared enrichment and continued discussions, between professionals who work with different populations, policy makers in the social welfare, education and health domains, and academic researchers, is essential for the advancement of health, welfare and education professionals. The pracdemia project includes the KITCAT portal and the laboratory which is used to develop assessment, measurement and treatment tools for children at risk.
The KITCAT portal is intended for use by health, welfare and educational professionals. The site contains tools, techniques and intervention approaches for individual, groups and community therapy sessions that have been developed by professionals in the field. While preserving the copyrights of these professionals, the knowledge is transmitted through presentations, radio interviews, short TED talks, and at a later stage, via experiential and cognitive-based online courses. In addition, the site contains measurement and evaluation tools that have been validated by researchers, protocols, e-books and more. Dr. Natalie Turgeman is available to assist and prepare any materials for professionals who are interested in contributing and publicizing their knowledge.
The applied research laboratory is where professionals can develop assessment, measurement and treatment tools for children at risk. We work closely with policy and field therapies who are in need for a space to develop, examine or validate specific subjects. The laboratory includes an advisory committee that includes representatives of government ministries (welfare, education and health), experts from non-governmental organizations (NGO), and academic researchers. Field staff who want to develop a measurement, assessment and/or treatment tool are welcome to contact Dr. Limor Goldner or Prof. Rachel Lev-Wiesel to further formulate and move forward with their subject/s.